Sunday, April 27, 2008

it has to stop

it has to stop
i cant stop thinking of u
i feel lonely cuz of u
i feel stupid cuz of u
i feel loveless cuz of u
i feel u love cuz i thought ur my type
my heart feel like its been stab
i feel my heart shouting ur name
if i got no more hopes for my self
i got nomore future for myself
i cant moved on cuz of u
i feel depression
like i always said about my self hopes will last dreams will die
this is how im gona be in along life with out my heart
i feel my burn i feel my pain inside ofme cuz of u that i love u
but u just trew it away
my friends help me to cheer up
but i cant i feel stupid i feel an idiot
when im making my own lyric i just feel about u
so i cant make new ones
i try make my new beats of drums all i could think is the old 1s
i feel stupid